Nomeada pelo próprio Giorgio Armani de Lights and Shadows, a coleção primavera/verão do estilista, apresentada na badalada Semana de Moda de Milão, foi extraordinariamente colororida e retrô. O desfile mega alegre foi inspirado na, também colorida, década de 80 e teve como caracterÃstica principal o uso de tecidos leves. Os looks apresentados tinham uma certa sobreposição entre os tecidos que me fizeram lembrar os editoriais lindérrimos da Vogue nos anos 80. Na paleta de cores, quem predominou foram os tons de roxo, rosa e lilás - top colours da década, né? Dando um close-up, quem reinou nos acessórios foram as argolas gigantes, os chapéus geométricos e as handbags. A maquiagem tinha um blush levemente rosado, o batom cor-de-boca e o olhar fatal ultra colorido em verde - tipicamente retrô - além do topete estiloso á la Madonna e Cyndi Lauper. Resumindo: Armani reinventou a mulher moderna e a mãe trabalhadora que foi a base da moda feminina na década de 80.
Named by Giorgio Armani Lights and Shadows, the Spring/Summer collection presented in the funky Milan Fashion Week, was extraordinarily colourful and retro. The very cheerful fashion show was inspired by the 80's and had as main characteristic the use of light fabrics. The looks presented had a certain overlap among the fabrics that reminded me the stunning fashion shoots of Vogue in the 80's. In the colours, who predominated were the tones of purple, pink and violet - top colours of the decade, no? Giving a close-up, who reigned in the accessories were the rings, the geometric hats and the handbags. The make-up had a pink blush, a colour-of-mouth lipstick and a fatal colorful look in green - typically retro - besides the fashionable quiff a la Madonna. Summarizing: Armani reinvented the modern woman and the worker mum that was the main base of the womenswear in the 80's.
O que acharam do desfile do Armani? Lindo e inspirador? Ou não? Beijos!!!
What did you think of Armani's fashion show? Pretty and inspiring? Or not? Kisses!!!
Fotos/Images: Vogue UK and Vogue Brazil
Fontes/ Source: Vogue UK